Wednesday 9 March 2016

New Years Resolutions : March Update

At the beginning of 2016 I set myself 4 main New Years Resolutions and they were as follows:
  1. Care less about what other people think of me
  2. Step out of my comfort zone more
  3. Learn to love myself
  4. Do more for others
As many of you will know, new years resolutions can be incredibly hard to stick to and most people give up on them after about a month or so. I really don't want to give up on mine, so I've decided that every 2/3 months I'm going to post an update on how I am progressing so I can see what's changed. Hopefully this will act as some motivation for you too.

1. Care less about what other people think of me
Some of you reading this may be very confident and not have any self esteem issues at all, in which case I envy you very much, but unfortunately that's not the case for me. In the past few years i have developed anxiety surrounding poor body image and low self esteem and it has stopped me from doing so many things. So, this year I've decided that I no longer want to let it stop me from doing what I want to do and I want to care less about what others think of me. At some point I will blog about my experience with anxiety and how it has affected me, but for now I won't go into too much detail. However, I do feel that I am gradually achieving this goal.

2. Step out of my comfort zone more
As previously mentioned, my anxiety has stopped me from doing many things in my life and in this past year I've decided that I don't want that to be the case any more. I've been making big changes in my life to help me become more confident do things that would normally scare me and I want to continue that this year.

3. Learn to love myself
This is a very personal goal and again relates back to my anxiety. It's also very similar to my first resolution and by the end of 2016 I would like to be much more confident and happy within myself.

4. Do more for others
This goal is one of my favourites but I am finding it very hard to achieve. I would consider myself to be the kind of person that is always there for my friends no matter what they need, but I wanted to do more for others in a different kind of way. Whenever I see someone homeless on the street I always want to do something, like buy them a meal or give them a drink but I am always too nervous. I'm going to try so hard to do this the next time I see someone in this situation, so I have to build up the courage to do so!

Anyway that is all for now, please let me know if you have any suggestions about anything.

Thanks for reading,

ffy x

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