Wednesday 11 May 2016

My Top 5 Revision Tips

Hello lovelies, today I have a slightly different post for you which isn't beauty related at all. This time of year a lot of people will be sitting exams and it can be a very stressful time. So, here are a few tips that I have heard about that I find really helpful when it comes to revision. Hope this helps!

Be Realistic

When it comes to deciding what you want to revise in a day it is important that you set yourself reasonable and achievable targets. There is no point in telling yourself you are going to cover an entire topic in just a few hours because the chances are you won't be able to do so. This will only lead to you feeling disheartened and will not encourage you to continue. Instead, you would be better to set yourself smaller achievable targets which will give you a sense of satisfaction when you complete them.


It can be hard to know where to start with revision when it fees like you have a huge amount of exams approaching, so it is important to prioritise what you need to focus on most. If there is a subject that is especially important to your future career you may wish to prioritise revising for this. It may be that you have your first exam in just a few weeks and that is what you need to prioritise revising for. Whatever the reason, it is important that you establish what is the most important exam so that you can decide where you want to focus most of your attention.

Do Past Papers

I can't quite emphasise just how important this actually is. You can do loads of revision for a subject but if you don't practise answering questions you may not be writing information that will get you any marks. Some exam boards can be really specific and look out for key phrases in order to give you the marks, so you will really benefit from looking at mark schemes to see what key phrases you can throw in to get yourselves some extra marks. Answering past paper questions can also be really useful if your subjects are essay based because they can help to to practise structuring your writing. You may need to be a able to do an introduction, several paragraphs and then a conclusion in a short space of time; so practising this under time conditions will really help you to improve your ability to write an essay in a short amount of time.

Give yourself a break

Some people are able to work for a good 2 hours and then give themselves a longer break, but I just can't seem to do that. After about 45 minutes maximum my attention span has gone and I just get distracted by anything. I like to spend about 30-45 minutes revising and then I will give myself a 10-15 minute break. This gives me time to either check my phone, watch a quick youtube video or get a snack. I find this really helps me to stay on track because when I start revising again I am able to concentrate more. Its also important though that you stick to the amount of time you've allocated as a break; its so easy for 10 minutes to turn into and hour or more if you let it!

Have a good studying environment

My favourite place to revise is sitting on my bed with my laptop next to me playing music and my phone right beside me but this is just a disaster. I almost never get any revision done this way and if I do it's not very effective and it will have taken me ages. The best place to revise is in front of a desk without any distractions (such as your phone or music). As boring as it sounds you will get the most revision done and it will not take you as long as if you were to waste time on your phone or laptop!

Thanks for reading,

ffy x

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